Q: How can my business get press coverage?
A: If a dog bites a man so what? But if a man bites a dog, well, that’s a great story!
Your news or information has the best chance of getting into the press if it’s interesting, quirky or unusual. It’s got to meet at least one of the following criteria:
Currency: news has a short shelf life. If your event is happening today, it’s newsworthy. If it happened last month, it’s history.
Human interest: the first, the best, the worst, the tallest, the shortest. If something stands out from everything else, it may be newsworthy. When a cat climbs a tree, it's not news; but when its 96-year-old owner climbs the tree to rescue the moggy, it is.
Impact: events that have an impact on people’s lives are always interesting and the more people affected by your story, the more significant it is.
Prominence: politicians, movie stars, star athletes, CEOs – anyone who’s in the public eye. The mayor is a prominent local figure, a story involving him or her opening your business is likely to make the news.
Proximity: if you want your local paper to run your story, make sure it’s relevant and interesting to those who’ll be reading it.
Eye-catching: a dramatic, unusual or quirky photo that tells a story is newsworthy if the quality is good. And a story with a good photo has an even better chance of getting used.
Covering England: London, Ashford, Basingstoke, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Bath, Bolton, Cambridge, Coventry, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Rugby, Salisbury, Southampton, Stoke-on-Trent; Scotland: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling; Wales: Cardiff, Newport |
Sectors Architecture/Design PR, Business/Corporate PR, Construction PR, Community Engagement PR & CSR, Corporate Communications, Crisis Communications, Defence PR, Digital PR, Education PR, Engineering PR, Facilities Management PR, Food Services PR, Healthcare PR, Human Resources, Lobby PR, Leisure PR, Not-for-Profit PR and Charities PR |
PR Services Corporate communications, community engagement, strategic campaigns and lobbying, crisis communications, digital PR and new media, media relations, media training and coaching, online PR, photography, PR strategy, social media strategy, strategic communications, press cuttings service, advertising copy and advertorials, annual reports, award submissions, brand strategy, brand awareness, brochures, leaflets, case studies, copywriting, newsletters, press releases, straplines and slogans, industry reports for media, speech writing, tender submissions support, award submissions, social media strategy, SEO PR services, advert design, design and typesetting, printing, website copywriting, microsite design, search engine optimisation of website content, logo design and straplines, stationery design, website design and key messaging, web development |
Copyright E=MC2 Public Relations Limited | sitemap | info@emc2publicrelations.com | 01747 871752 |
E=MC2 Public Relations Limited, High Street, Tisbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA |