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Friday, 29 June 2012

Twitter for business - 10 tips on how to build a relevant following

Twitter for business - 10 tips on how to build a relevant following
Are you using Twitter for business and is it working for you? How many followers do you have and are they relevant to your business or simply white noise?
If you are looking to grow your followers, remember, it’s not how many you have but how relevant they are.
Twitter followers - quality not quantity counts
If you have 10,000 followers who don’t engage with you, your Twitter communications are wasted and pointless [see Arthur’s blog on Social media is great for business if you have a strategy].
If you want to make an impact and build your Twitter following, you need to be applying the following tactics:
  1. Start with a good profile that engages and includes a photo or company logo and your location.
  2. Identify and follow people who are likely to be interested in what you are saying.
  3. Tweet content that’s helpful and interesting to your followers.
  4. Talk about others, not just yourself.
  5. Tweet when you have something interesting and useful to say and don’t bombard your followers with meaningless drivel.
  6. Promote your Twitter account through other channels like Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube and Pinterest pages so that followers can connect with you.
  7. Unfollow people who don’t follow you back.
  8. Prefix your tweets with hashtags (#) on interesting or popular subjects you are talking about.
  9. Look for people who share the same interests as you and connect with them. You can do this via a keyword search. For example, if you are interested in lemurs of Madagascar, you could do a keyword internet search or a Twitter hashtag (#lemurs Madagascar) search.
  10. Retweet your most popular tweets.